Garden #2 - 19 February 2020
Our first experiment took place on the 19th of February 2020 at 43 Lewisham Way MARs Research Garden. We focused on the analysis of the site, by being on site we tried to analyse it through a different, embodied and sensorial approach. Instead of using the conventional architectural methods of measuring and analysing a site we decided to invent new ones and experiment.
As Juhani Palasmaa mentions in his book “The eyes of the skin”:
"Every touching experience of architecture is multi-sensory; qualities of space, matter and scale are measured equally by the eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue, skeleton and muscle. Architecture strengthens the existential experience, one’s sense of being in the world, and this is essentially a strengthen experience of self. Instead of mere vision, or the five classical senses, architecture involves several realms of sensory experience which interact and fuse into each other."
Our exercises and experiments were responding on the following themes: points of view, measurements, soil analysis, water, connectivity with the area.
Kiki, Enrique, Sean, Lucy, Francesca, Rachael, Olga