Garden #4 - 3rd March 2020
On Tuesday we met at 7 Rhoda Street where we had a chat with Perdi Fenn about her urban garden. We sat around a table in the middle of the garden. She introduced herself as an artist, before practising as a landscape architect for 14 years. Her enthusiasm led the conversation, and she answered our questions before we even asked them. We found many connections between this garden and her approach in relation to the garden at 43 Lewisham Way.
There is always something there and everything is telling you a story.
Plants are indicators of the soil condition
Being at the garden you meet everybody: it is a social space
The garden is for humans and non-humans
Maintenance is everything: You need to choose where you put your energy
Periphery of the site is important for infrastructure / resource for wildlife
Plants outside that can tell people what’s inside the garden
Plants tipping over to inform the community
Chelsea Fringe Festival: an opportunity to invite the community to the garden. Someone brought a microscope and we can see the micro and macro scales of the garden
The gardens dictated by what is here and what was here.
Garden as a cultural space, it relates to the history of the neighbourhood
Decide where the plants are going to be (best growing site)
Use of the tables to tell people how to use the site and direct their behaviour - How light move across the site
Water and compost should be near the planting site
No waste goes away
Leaving gaps for the unexpected; not over-design
Plants will find their way over the gaps
When you’re growing plants, things are out of control, and that’s the excitement: contaminate the outside
Nature is about timing
Soil is the gut of the garden
Not flat landscape: the trees change the space beyond recognition
Connection with the site celebrated with production
Important to produce something and share with the community